
Awedesk 1.5.2

  • Aug 12, 2024
  • NewLet agents edit their signatures in the front-end preferences
  • NewLet admins edit signatures of staff members in Admin > Awedesk > Agents
  • NewAwedesk mobile app now uses application passwords instead of JWT tokens
  • ImprovementREST API compatibility with the Awedesk mobile app
  • ImprovementPrevent browsers from auto-filling the search field
  • FixWoo integration sometimes failed to redirect properly
  • FixOption to “save” a ticket should always show, even if it’s assigned to me

Awedesk 1.5.1

  • Jul 31, 2024
  • NewThe Awedesk app for iOS is out of closed testing

Awedesk 1.5.0

  • Jul 24, 2024
  • NewOur plugin has been rebranded and is now called Awedesk
  • NewIntroducing the Awedesk mobile app
  • NewForward To Department: assign departments to tickets forwarded from specific addresses
  • NewWordPress 6.6 compatibility
  • ImprovementConfig panel reorganization

Awedesk 1.4.0

  • May 14, 2024
  • NewSlack integration
  • NewAgents can now “save” tickets in their own “vavorites/bookmarked” list
  • NewExperimental multisite compatibility
  • ImprovementUser preferences screen UI & UX
  • FixWooCommerce integration redirect issues
  • FixPrevent browser auto-fill filling irrelevant data to the search field
  • FixPrevent preferences page from flickering in and out of view on initial page load

Awedesk 1.3.7

  • May 14, 2024
  • NewClient preferences panel
  • NewClients can now unsubscribe from emails
  • NewCron job to delete old attachments
  • ImprovementWordFence compatibility
  • ImprovementToolbar layout & button improvements
  • ImprovementPerformance improvements (database indexes)

Awedesk 1.3.6

  • Mar 14, 2024
  • NewPages, Posts and CPT suggestions when creating a Ticket
  • ImprovementUI & UX improvements in single Ticket view
  • ImprovementUI & UX improvements in new Ticket form

Awedesk 1.3.5

  • Mar 4, 2024
  • NewLogin screen: let admin enable/disable the “continue as guest” flow
  • NewLogin screen: let admin enable/disable the “forgot password” link
  • NewLogin screen: let admin enable/disable the “register” link
  • ImprovementPerformance: database table indexes added to Tickets
  • FixAttachments: some unusual file extensions are ignored when downloading

Awedesk 1.3.4

  • Feb 27, 2024
  • ImprovementPrivate Note: indicate whether content was added without the need to open the Note
  • ImprovementOn Behalf: “create accounts” setting should never be higher than the main roles selector
  • ImprovementWordPress “displayname” handling
  • ImprovementSession timeouts in REST API calls
  • ImprovementGeneral UI/UX & language improvements
  • FixEDD: Client Ticket list not working properly when opening from the EDD backend link

Awedesk 1.3.3

  • Feb 14, 2024
  • NewButton to easily trash a Ticket
  • NewButton to easily empty trash
  • NewCron job to empty trash automatically
  • NewForgot password link on login screen
  • ImprovementBetter handling of trashed Tickets count and trashed tab visibility
  • ImprovementReplace all pop-up alerts with a custom pop-up
  • ImprovementCustom pop-up now has a contrast background
  • ImprovementClicking anywhere outside a custom pop-up is considered a “cancel” action

Awedesk 1.3.2

  • Feb 5, 2024
  • NewOn Behalf: option to create a client account if an email is searched and not found
  • NewOn Behalf: the entire feature can now be disabled globally or limited to specific Awedesk roles
  • NewOn Behalf: client creation can now be disabled globally or limited to specific Awedesk roles
  • ImprovementOn Behalf: tickets created by Staff now display the opening Agent name
  • ImprovementOn Behalf: better rendering of search results
  • ImprovementDeactivate “submit” button if “new ticket” form is not complete
  • ImprovementLoginPress compatibility

Awedesk 1.3.1

  • Jan 23, 2024
  • NewAgents now have the ability to open tickets “on behalf” of existing clients

Awedesk 1.3.0

  • Jan 22, 2024
  • NewLogin with username
  • NewAgent-only department
  • ImprovementPrivate not now expands when anywhere in the top bar is clicked
  • ImprovementMissing translation strings
  • ImprovementPHP 8.3 compatibility
  • ImprovementHide Private Notes configuration if the master switch is disabled
  • FixPrevent previous ticket from displaying for a split second when loading a new one
  • FixReplying to a new, unassigned ticket does not trigger client notification
  • Fix“Clear” button out of position when private note contains long lines with no spaces

Awedesk 1.2.0

  • Nov 21, 2023
  • NewWooCommerce profile integration: show client’s own tickets in their Woo profile
  • NewWooCommerce ticket integration: show client’s purchases to agents in ticket view
  • ImprovementPrivate note is now collapsed by default
  • ImprovementPrivate note colors are now more neutral
  • ImprovementPrivate note now handles long links better
  • ImprovementPrivate note now has a “clear” button
  • ImprovementAdd “are you sure” check when changing ticket status to “closed”
  • ImprovementBetter validation logic when adding agents
  • FixSignature duplicates itself when changing assignee and replying

Awedesk 1.1.0

  • Oct 25, 2023
  • NewPrivate Client Note – a Ticket field for sensitive information such as passwords that gets deleted after the ticket is closed.
  • NewStaff Notes – Staff members can now leave notes on Clients and Tickets, visible only to Staff.
  • ImprovementReply notification emails now expand the thread and scroll directly to a specific message
  • ImprovementShortcut icon for plugin configuration for site administrators
  • FixBlock preview in block editor

Awedesk 1.0.6

  • Oct 3, 2023
  • NewLoading indicator for ticket replies
  • ImprovementDepartments can now be reordered
  • ImprovementAdd ticket number to title, browser tab title, and sidebar ticket list
  • ImprovementIf an agent replies to an unassigned ticket, assign it to them
  • ImprovementUpdate the browser tab title while/after adding a new ticket

Awedesk 1.0.5

  • Sep 21, 2023
  • NewAgent Signatures
  • NewEmail notifications now contain a list of attachments added to a ticket/reply
  • NewThe browser tab title now reflects the view (ticket list name or ticket title)
  • NewEmail Piping: ability to pick a default department for new tickets imported from email
  • Improvement“All Open” is now sorted by status by default
  • ImprovementTicket sidebar: added shortcuts to Client’s Tickets
  • ImprovementTicket sidebar: improved sorting of recent Tickets
  • ImprovementText formatting and email import improvements
  • ImprovementRelative dates under one hour are now rounded to five minute increments
  • ImprovementAdded tooltips with absolute dates
  • ImprovementConfiguration: added a warning about unsaved changes when navigating away from a config tab
  • FixEDD: & symbol renders wrong in product names

Awedesk 1.0.4

  • Sep 12, 2023
  • NewImproved rich text (HTML) handling and autolinking
  • NewClient data section is now a link to wp-admin user editor
  • NewAdded a “Client Tickets” link to wp-admin EDD user area
  • NewAdded a “load all and jump to bottom” button to help load tickets with many replies
  • ImprovementEmail Piping: removed preferred format setting (HTML/text). Instead HTML is prioritized automatically.
  • ImprovementLinebreak / whitespace handling on copy-paste from MS Word / Apple Pages & importing HTML from emails
  • ImprovementUse “last reply” timestamp instead of “last update”
  • ImprovementMax message length should not be less than 100 characters
  • ImprovementNew ticket “last reply” should default to the Client/author
  • ImprovementEnsure custom roles have customer-level access to tickets
  • ImprovementEmail Piping: make sure all config is saved when “check” is clicked
  • FixEDD: if the Client has no EDD profile, do not show the EDD link
  • FixWrong colspan in “no tickets” template

Awedesk 1.0.3

  • Sep 1, 2023
  • NewRequest user confirmation before closing/reopening a ticket
  • NewRequest user confirmation before navigating away from unsaved reply
  • ImprovementMore intuitive cancel/submit button positions
  • ImprovementBetter sorting of all Client tickets in the sidebar
  • ImprovementExclude managers and agents from attachment size/count limits
  • ImprovementUnify email notifications templates
  • ImprovementEDD – add links to URLs assigned to Licenses
  • ImprovementEDD – better total calculations
  • ImprovementEDD – add a link to EDD profile from ticket view
  • FixAttachment button interferes with reply button in Safari
  • FixReopened ticket must be “pending” if last reply was by Client and “answered” if last reply was by agent

Awedesk 1.0.2

  • Aug 24, 2023
  • NewWarn user before navigating away from unsaved changes
  • ImprovementMiddle-click and right-click shoukd work on all UI elements to open things in new tabs
  • ImprovementMore informative “auto-close” cron configuration label
  • ImprovementLinks in ticket body should always open in new tab
  • ImprovementTicket status should stay “new” if Client replies and there are no agent replies
  • ImprovementEnsure auto-close mechanic applies to tickets set manually to “answered” state
  • ImprovementSeparate purchases from licenses in the EDD box
  • FixAutomatic updates

Awedesk 1.0.1

  • Aug 17, 2023
  • ImprovementAdd Client-facing feedback about allowed attachment sizes and types
  • ImprovementAllow setting admins as default assignees for departments
  • Improvement“Mine” agent view should show all tickets that are not trashed or closed
  • ImprovementLink highlighting
  • ImprovementDisplay emails when searching for users in agent management screen
  • ImprovementTrack timestamps of last reply (Agent & Client) for future sorting implementation
  • ImprovementBetter feedback when setting up IMAP connection in email piping
  • FixTicket status should auto-change only on reply, not any other action
  • FixChanging departments should not reassign tickets if the existing assignee has access to the new department
  • FixAttachment button disappears after visiting a closed ticket

Awedesk 1.0.0

  • Aug 14, 2023
  • NewHello World!