Easy Digital Downloads integration improvements. Unified email templates & more intuitive UI.

What’s new?

Easy Digital Downloads

Domains assigned to client licenses are now clickable (requires EDD Software Licensing). We improved the math around order values and lifetime client purchase value. The ticket view now features a link to the backend user EDD profile – and these backend profiles now have a link to the client’s tickets.

Other improvements

We swapped the “cancel” and “submit” buttons in the “new ticket” screen to be more intuitive. The default email templates have been improved, and now they all follow the same design pattern. Attachment limits no longer apply to staff members (administrators, managers, agents).

We fixed an issue where the attachment button would interfere with the reply button in Safari browsers (mobile and desktop). Ticket status automation was improved to ensure the right status is set when reopening a ticket.

Read more

  • Changelog – a complete list of changes.
  • Documentation – learn all the features, options & configuration.
  • Contact us – any questions or suggestions? We are happy to help!