WooCommerce integration brings clients’ tickets into their Woo profiles and an agent-only list of clients’ purchases in the ticket sidebar.

What’s new?

WooCommerce integration

WooCommerce Profile Integration adds Awedesk ticket view into the Clients’ Woo profiles. This can also be set up as the default ticket view for Clients and Agents. Your clients won’t need to look for a separate place to submit their requests. All is combined under one Woo Profile.

WooCommerce Ticket Integration brings purchases made by the Clients into the ticket sidebar where Agents can see the Clients’ purchase history. Based on that you and your agents have an overview and quick understanding of your clients’ purchases. At the same time you immediately know what your clients’ might need help with in case their initial message is unclear.

Other improvements

The Private Notes UI was improved: the colors are more neutral and the Private Note area is now collapsed by default in the ticket view. It can be expanded & collapsed, and we added a button to “clear” the note easily.

We added a confirmation button when changing the ticket status to “closed” and improved the validation of the “add agent” form.

Read more

  • Changelog – a complete list of changes.
  • Documentation – learn all the features, options & configuration.
  • Contact us – any questions or suggestions? We are happy to help!