Quality of Life release bringing you a few new features but most importantly improvements and bug fixes.

What’s new?

Login with username

Admin can now allow username logins through the Awedesk login interface. It was previously limited to email only, and some users found it confusing as their users were used to the username-based login process.

Agent-only departments

You can now configure any department to be agent-only. This means, only staff members will be able to pick this department when creating or moving tickets. Clients can still see the department name if it’s assigned to their ticket.

This can be useful if you need special, internal departments for automation, special cases, or reaching out to clients via “open a ticket as client” (to be introduced soon in version 1.3.1.

Other improvements

Private Notes can now be expanded by clicking the bar, without pinpointing the relatively small button.

We improved ticket loading, to prevent previously open tickets from “flickering” in and out of view while a new ticket is being loaded.

An important bug was patched: sometimes the client would not get an email notification when an agent replied to an unassigned ticket.

Read more

  • Changelog – a complete list of changes.
  • Documentation – learn all the features, options & configuration.
  • Contact us – any questions or suggestions? We are happy to help!