Suggest related posts and articles from your own page, based on the Ticket title.
What’s new?
Suggest posts & articles when creating a Ticket
To make sure users are presented with some solutions before they aven send a ticket, Awedesk now comes with included “suggestions” engine.
By default you can enable suggestions based on Posts and/or Pages, but Awedesk will detect any Custom Post Type (CPT) based solution.
For example, we are using BetterDocs for documentation and have enabled it along with Pages and Posts:

Different types of content can be given a custom label and order, and you can define how many items per “post type” to show and how long the previews should be.

Other improvements
The header in single Ticket view has been reorganized for better clarity and ergonomy. We have also improved the font size and contrast in the New Ticket form.

Read more
- Changelog – a complete list of changes.
- Documentation – learn all the features, options & configuration.
- Contact us – any questions or suggestions? We are happy to help!