Front-end signature editing, mobile app custom tab order & new “History” tab.

What’s new?

Editing Signatures

Awedesk no longer requires access to the back-end WordPress user profiles to edit agent signatures. Agents can modify their signatures in their front-end preferences.

Administrators can edit other staff members signatures in Admin > Awedesk > Agents.

Signatures can now be conveniently edited in the front-end preferences

Mobile App

Ticket History

We have added a new “History” tab to the app, where all recently viewed tickets are listed. Left swipe on the list allows the user to remove tickets from this list.

Reordering Tabs

The tabs in the main app view can now be reordered, improving the customization and usability for end users. The first tab in the menu is always the default one when app first opens.

The Awedesk app now features custom tab ordering and a new “History” tab

Read more

  • Changelog – a complete list of changes.
  • Documentation – learn all the features, options & configuration.
  • Contact us – any questions or suggestions? We are happy to help!